About Us

Welcome to our website dedicated to showcasing the talented musicians in Orange County. By featuring interviews, reviews, and insightful commentary, we hope to shine a light on local artists and build greater recognition of their work.

It is our goal to provide insightful perspectives that celebrate creativity and bring greater recognition to these dedicated performers.

Meet Our Authors

Frankie Mitchell

Frankie Mitchell has over a decade of experience covering intense genres as a concert journalist. His passion lies in metal, hardcore, and punk – delivering reviews that capture live energy and raw spirit. If you enjoy head-banging tunes and lively crowds, Frankie’s articles offer great show recommendations.

Joshua Farrell

Joshua Farrell, a lifelong Orange County resident, is dedicated to discovering our area’s diverse musical talent. Through intimate performances to major concerts, Joshua shares fresh perspectives to keep music fans informed. His enthusiasm ensures our local artists receive deserved recognition.

Who We Are

Our mission is greater than articles – it’s celebrating Orange County’s musical heritage.

Here at OC Music Scene, we want to shine a spotlight on local bands and musicians. Through interviews and reviews, folks can learn about all the talented acts making music around here.

It’s important people know about the hard work artists put in. By telling their stories, maybe more fans will come out to shows and listen to their tunes. That helps the musicians succeed and do what they love.

We’re also trying to help up-and-coming artists get their names out there. The more people hear about a new band, the better chance they have to keep doing music professionally.

At the end of the day, we just want to celebrate all the people in our community who are dedicated to making music.

So Stay With Us

We’re constantly posting new interviews, show reviews, and exclusive stories about what’s going on around here. If you love discovering talented artists as much as we do, this is the place to stay connected.

Every time you visit, there will be fresh updates on creative people in our community. We dig deep to learn about their music and what inspires them. Whether you’re really into the live scene or just want to hear fresh sounds, we’ve got you covered.